Category Archives: Agenda

Agenda/Homework 9/11

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


  1. Take out your writer’s notebook, your iPad or Chromebook and a pen
  2. Discuss the email the character assignment- handout given in class. Plan sheet on the handout. You will need to fill that out first.
  3. Begin to write your rough draft of the email to the character assignment in your writer’s notebook. We will be working on this tomorrow and Friday as well. Don’t worry about the due date yet.


Vocabulary Packet due Monday

Email the teacher assignment (printed out if typed) due tomorrow.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 9/10

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


  1. Take out your writer’s notebook, your  iPad or Chromebook and a pen
  2. Continue to write your rough draft of Email the teacher assignment in your writer’s notebook first. After you finish your draft, you will proofread for errors with a different colored pen. You will type or write your final draft on the email template linked below. For the email etiquette slide show and email teacher assignment directions click here: Email Etiquette 2019
  3. For your final draft, click here for the email template: Email Template


Vocabulary Packet due Monday

Email the teacher assignment (printed out if typed) due Thursday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 9/9

Monday, September 9, 2019


  1. Take out your iPad or Chromebook and a pen
  2. You will respond to a Goodreads prompt. You must post your comment on the site. I will have you print out your comments at the end of the month. Make sure you type your response on Google Docs or Pages App before you copy and paste it to the Goodreads site. For the Goodreads comment, click here: Goodreads Prompts 2019-2020
  3. Work on our Vocabulary Unit. The packet is handed out in class only.


Vocabulary Unit due Monday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 9/6

Friday, September 6, 2019


  1. Take out your writer’s notebook, your  iPad or Chromebook and a pen
  2. Write your rough draft of Email the teacher assignment in your writer’s notebook first. After you finish your draft, you will proofread for errors with a different colored pen. You will type or write your final draft on the email template linked below. For the email etiquette slide show and email teacher assignment directions click here: Email Etiquette 2019
  3. For your final draft, click here for the email template: Email Template


Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 9/5

Thursday, September 5, 2019


  1. Take out your writer’s notebook, your  iPad or Chromebook and a pen
  2. We are going to finish up the student handbook activity for the first 10 minutes of class.
  3. Email etiquette discussion and begin our email the teacher assignment. For the email etiquette slide show and email teacher assignment directions click here: Email Etiquette 2019


Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 9/4

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


  1. Turn in your Biopoem to the basket up front
  2. Take out your iPad or Chromebook and a pen
  3. We are going to work in partners on a “Student Handbook” activity required by our school. I have a handout for you and your partner to work on together. Access the student handbook by clicking here: StudentHandbook2019-20


Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.


Agenda/Homework 9/3

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


  1. Turn in your Summer Reading Scorecard if you have not done so already
  2. Take out your iPad or Chromebook
  3. We are going to set up our Goodreads accounts that we will be using all year to respond to prompts and update our pages for independent reading.


Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Completed Biopoem (printed out if you typed it) due tomorrow.

Agenda/Homework 8/30

Friday, August 30, 2019


  1. Take out a pen and any summer reading books you may have.
  2. Summer Reading Project #1- Biopoem Click Here for the instructions: Biopoem 2019


Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading. You will have your first independent reading assignment next week after Labor Day.

Summer Reading Scorecard due Tuesday if you do not finish in class

Completed Biopoem (printed out if you typed it) due Wednesday.

Agenda/Homework 8/29

Thursday, August 29, 2019


  1. Take out a pen and any summer reading books you may have.
  2. Post-it Note Activity with our summer reading books
  3. Summer Reading Scorecard assignment. Handout given in class.


Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading. You will have your first independent reading assignment next week after Labor Day.

Summer Reading Scorecard due Tuesday if you do not finish in class.

Agenda/Homework 8/28

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


  1. Take out a pen
  2. Go over names so I can continue to learn your names 🙂
  3. We are going to go over MBMS Academic Honesty Policy aka the “cheating quiz” today. We will do this in order for you to fully understand what is considered cheating and not cheating. Click Here for a Slideshow: MBMS Academic Expectations 2018


Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading. You will have your first independent reading assignment next week after Labor Day.

Bring your Summer Reading Books (if you have them) tomorrow for an activity. We will begin Summer Reading projects. You will have an assignment on each book.