Author Archives: msgonzalez

Agenda/Homework 12/18

Wednesday,  December 18, 2019


  1. Take out your writer’s notebook and a pen
  2. Quick discussion of Stave 3
  3. Read and take notes on Stave 4 with your small groups of ACC- we will be watching a film version the next two days. Please make sure you bring your writer’s notebook for notes.
  4. If you finish, you may work on your Vocabulary packet and/or read for independent reading
  5. Click here for a copy of  A Christmas Carol text: ACC script

*Note Requirements for ACC: 1. Plot summary (who characters are and what is happening) 2. The Theme of Generosity (examples of characters being generous and examples of Scrooge not being generous) 3. The impact (influence) the three spirits have on Scrooge.


A Christmas Carol Vocabulary packet due tomorrow.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 12/17

Tuesday,  December 17, 2019


  1. Take out your writer’s notebook and a pen
  2. Quick discussion of Stave 2
  3. Read and take notes on Stave 3 with your small groups of ACC
  4. If you finish, you may work on your Vocabulary packet and/or read for independent reading
  5. Click here for a copy of  A Christmas Carol text: ACC script

*Note Requirements for ACC: 1. Plot summary (who characters are and what is happening) 2. The Theme of Generosity (examples of characters being generous and examples of Scrooge not being generous) 3. The impact (influence) the three spirits have on Scrooge.


A Christmas Carol Vocabulary packet due Thursday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 12/16

Monday,  December 16,  2019


  1. Take out your writer’s notebook and a pen
  2. Finish reading Stave 1 and read Stave 2 of A Christmas Carol.
  3. Click here for a copy of  A Christmas Carol text: ACC script

*Note Requirements for ACC: 1. Plot summary (who characters are and what is happening) 2. The Theme of Generosity (examples of characters being generous and examples of Scrooge not being generous) 3. The impact (influence) the three spirits have on Scrooge.


Stave 2, with notes, due tomorrow if you do not finish in class.

A Christmas Carol Vocabulary packet due Thursday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 12/13

Friday,  December 13,  2019


  1. Turn in your essay. Make sure it is stapled in the order listed below.
  2. Take out your writer’s notebook, a pen, and your iPad/Chromebook
  3. Discuss some of the Victorian Era research
  4. Read and take notes on Stave 1 of A Christmas Carol
  5. Click here for a copy of  A Christmas Carol text: ACC script


A Christmas Carol Vocabulary packet due Thursday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 12/12

Thursday,  December 12,  2019


  1. Take out your writer’s notebook, a pen, and your iPad/Chromebook
  2. Today we are going to research The Victorian Era before we begin to read A Christmas Carol play.  You will take notes in your writer’s notebook.
  3. You will take notes on the following: Charles Dickens biography, Entertainment, Etiquette, History, and Fashion. There are links for some good sites on our class website under “A Christmas Carol” section. You may also google search these topics, but make sure you type in “Victorian Era Entertainment” as an example.
  4. I will give you ACC Vocabulary packet. You may work on it when you finish the research.
  5. Click here for a copy of  A Christmas Carol text: ACC script


A Christmas Carol Vocabulary packet due Thursday.

Printed final draft of your essay due Friday. You will need to staple the essay bundle in the following order: 1. the rubric 2. printed final draft 3. typed/printed rough draft with edit sheet 4. evidence-analysis sheet

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 12/11

Wednesday,  December 11,  2019


  1. Take out your printed, typed rough draft of your essay, a pen to edit with, and a highlighter
  2. You will edit your draft following the specific guidelines given on the handout. When you are finished, you may make the changes to prepare for your final draft.


Printed final draft of your essay with the rubric stapled to the top due Friday. You will also need to staple your Evidence-Analysis sheet and your printed rough draft with edit handout stapled after your final draft. All must be turned in on Friday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 12/10

Tuesday,  December 10,  2019


  1. Take out your writer’s notebook, a pen,  your Evidence-Analysis Sheet, your Essay Help handout, your Formatting Guide sheet, and your iPad/Chromebook
  2. Today we are going to work on editing and revising your rough drafts in your writer’s notebook. Make sure you follow the slideshow for help. Click here for the requirements slideshow: Social Justice Unit Essay 2019-tg
  3. Type up your drafts in MLA format.


Typed and printed out draft of your essay due tomorrow.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 12/9

Monday,  December 9,  2019


  1. Take out your writer’s notebook, a pen,  your Evidence-Analysis Sheet, your Essay Help handout, your Formatting Guide sheet, and your iPad/Chromebook
  2. First, we will work on a Goodreads Comment. Click here for your Goodreads Prompt: Goodreads Prompts 2019-2020
  3. Write your rough draft of your conclusion in your writer’s notebook and edit/revise with a different colored pen. Make sure you follow the slideshow for help.
  4. Click here for the requirements slideshow: Social Justice Unit Essay 2019-tg
  5. We will be working on your essay and typing a draft tomorrow too, so do not worry about it for homework unless you did not complete your body paragraph that was due today.


Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 12/6

Friday,  December 6,  2019


  1. Take out your writer’s notebook, a pen,  your Evidence-Analysis Sheet, your Essay Help handout, your Formatting Guide sheet, and your iPad/Chromebook
  2. First, make sure you finish your proofreading on the draft of your introduction paragraph
  3. Write your rough draft of your body paragraph in your writer’s notebook and edit/revise with a different colored pen. Make sure you follow the slideshow for help.
  4. Click here for the requirements slideshow: Social Justice Unit Essay 2019-tg


Finish your written rough draft of your body paragraph due Monday. It does not need to be typed.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 12/5

Thursday,  December 5,  2019


  1. Take out your writer’s notebook, a pen,  your Evidence-Analysis Sheet, and your iPad/Chromebook
  2. Discuss the requirements for the introduction and body paragraph. Click here for the requirements slideshow: Social Justice Unit Essay 2019-tg
  3. Begin to write a rough draft of your introduction paragraph in your writer’s notebook. (You will work on the body paragraph tomorrow in class)


Finish your written rough draft of your introduction due tomorrow. It does not need to be typed. You may type it in class tomorrow.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.