Author Archives: msgonzalez

Agenda/Homework 1/30

Thursday, January 30, 2020


  1. Take out a pen and your writer’s notebook
  2.  Continue our Gratitude is an Attitude Unit. Click here for our unit slideshow: Gratitude Unit 2020
  3. Discuss the character survey and results. Click here for survey: VIA-Character-Strengths-Discussion-Survey (1)
  4. Discuss Gratitude. Watch short video Nature, Beauty, and Gratitude.


Print out Goodreads comments from the month of January (there are 4 of them if you completed your reading each week). Staple the rubric to the top of your printed out comments- due tomorrow.

Vocabulary Unit 5- annotate for main ideas- due Monday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 1/29

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


  1. Take out a pen and your writer’s notebook
  2.  Gratitude is an Attitude Unit. Take Character Survey…Click here for survey: VIA-Character-Strengths-Discussion-Survey (1)
  3. Discuss and write about character results. Click here for character strength poster: Character Strengths Poster
  4. Watch short video and discuss the science of character.


Print out Goodreads comments from the month of January (there are 4 of them if you completed your reading each week). Staple the rubric to the top of your printed out comments- due on Friday.

Vocabulary Unit 5- annotate for main ideas- due Monday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 1/28

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


  1. Turn in your typed, draft essay. Staple your final draft on top of your in-class rough draft.
  2. Take out a pen and your writer’s notebook
  3. Grammar Tuesday- Adjectives
  4. Begin Gratitude is an Attitude Unit. Click here for writing response: Writing Response for Gratitude
  5. Read for independent reading or work on Vocabulary, if time permits.


Vocabulary Unit 5- annotate for main ideas- due Monday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 1/27

Monday, January 27, 2020


  1. Take out a pen and your iPad/Chromebook
  2. Goodreads Comment. Click here for the prompt: Goodreads Prompts 2019-2020
  3. Vocabulary Unit 5- annotate for main ideas
  4. Read for independent reading if time permits.


Typed and printed ACC essay due tomorrow.

Vocabulary Unit 5- annotate for main ideas- due Monday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 1/24

Friday, January 24, 2020


  1. Take out your iPad/Chromebook, your essay Help Sheet and Formatting Sheet, your essay, your edit sheet, and colorful pens
  2.  Click here for the slideshow: ACC Essay Edit and Revision Tasks 2020
  3. Finish working on the Editing Tasks sheet and type a final draft of your ACC essay.
  4. Read for independent reading if time permits


Typed and printed ACC essay due Tuesday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading

Agenda/Homework 1/23

Thursday, January 23, 2020


  1. Turn in your Spelling Unit 5
  2. Take out your iPad/Chromebook, your essay Help Sheet and Formatting Sheet, your essay, your edit sheet, and colorful pens
  3. Go over Revision Tasks. Click here for the slideshow: ACC Essay Edit and Revision Tasks 2020
  4. Finish working on the Editing Tasks sheet and type a final draft of your body paragraph. Then follow the steps for editing and typing your other paragraphs.
  5. Read for independent reading if time permits


Typed and printed ACC essay due Tuesday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading

Agenda/Homework 1/22

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


  1. Take out your iPad/Chromebook, your essay Help Sheet and Formatting Sheet, and colorful pens
  2. Go over Editing Tasks. Click here for the slideshow: ACC Essay Edit and Revision Tasks 2020
  3. Work on the Editing Tasks sheet and type a final draft of your body paragraph
  4. Read for independent reading if time permits

** Today during lunch is the make up day for the Vocabulary Quiz if you were absent.


Spelling Unit 5 due tomorrow.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading

Agenda/Homework 1/21

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


  1. Take out your iPad/Chromebook and a pen
  2. Goodreads comment. Click here for the Goodreads prompt: Goodreads Prompts 2019-2020
  3. Spelling Unit 5
  4. Read for independent reading if time permits

** Tomorrow during lunch is the make up day for the Vocabulary Quiz if you were absent.


Spelling Unit 5 due Thursday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading

Agenda/Homework 1/17

Friday, January 17, 2020


  1. Turn in your Vocabulary Unit 4 packet to the basket up front
  2. Take the Vocabulary Quiz
  3. Read for your independent reading. You will have a Goodreads comment on Tuesday since there is no school on Monday.


Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading

Agenda/Homework 1/16

Thursday, January 16, 2020


  1. Take out lined paper, a pen, your essay help sheet, essay format sheet, and your writer’s notebook.
  2. Writing Day 2 of your in-class essay. Remember this is your last day to work on this in class. You are doing the best you can to finish. This is a draft, and won’t look and sound like a final draft and that is okay!
  3. For A Christmas Carol script to find your evidence, click here: ACC script
  4. If you finish your essay before the end of class, read for your independent reading or study for the Vocabulary quiz tomorrow.


Vocabulary Unit 4 Quiz tomorrow.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading