Author Archives: msgonzalez

Agenda/Homework 8/28

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


  1. Take out a pen
  2. Go over names so I can continue to learn your names 🙂
  3. We are going to go over MBMS Academic Honesty Policy aka the “cheating quiz” today. We will do this in order for you to fully understand what is considered cheating and not cheating. Click Here for a Slideshow: MBMS Academic Expectations 2018


Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading. You will have your first independent reading assignment next week after Labor Day.

Bring your Summer Reading Books (if you have them) tomorrow for an activity. We will begin Summer Reading projects. You will have an assignment on each book.

Agenda/Homework 8/27

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


  1. Take out lined paper (if you need more) and a pen.
  2. Go over names so I can continue to learn your names 🙂
  3. You will continue writing the friendship essay today. If you do not finish, that is okay- you will try the best you can. I will give you a completion grade for this assignment. This will help me see your writing abilities.


Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading. You will have your first independent reading assignment next week after Labor Day.

Bring your Summer Reading Books (if you have them) on Thursday for an activity. We will begin Summer Reading projects. You will have an assignment on each book.

Agenda/Homework 8/26

Monday, August 26, 2019


  1. Take out lined paper and a pen. Also, take out your supplies and independent reading book- I will be checking you off for having your supplies today and your independent reading book.
  2. Go over names so I can continue to learn your names 🙂
  3. You will be writing an in-class essay today and tomorrow. We will go over details in class. You will try the best you can. I will give you a completion grade for this assignment. This will help me see your writing abilities.


Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading. You will have your first independent reading assignment next week after Labor Day.

Bring your Summer Reading Books (if you have them) on Thursday for an activity. We will begin Summer Reading projects. You will have an assignment on each book.

Agenda/Homework 8/23

Friday, August 23, 2019


  1. Take out lined paper and a pen
  2. Creative Writing Activity- write a short personal narrative. Don’t worry if you do not finish. You will finish in class as much as you can. I’m looking to see how much you know about writing a narrative.  Your directions with the prompt will be given in class.


Bring supplies (the list is on the syllabus handout) and Independent Reading Book by Monday.

Agenda/Homework 8/22

Thursday, August 22, 2019


  1. Turn in your Ms. Gonzalez Questionnaire (if you did not turn it in yesterday)
  2. Take out a pen and the syllabus handout given to you yesterday.
  3. We will quickly go over names/ take roll
  4. Go over Class Syllabus/Expectations. Click here for the Class Syllabus Keynote: Class Syllabus -Gonzalez
  5. “Break The Ice” group Activity



Bring supplies (the list is on the syllabus handout) and Independent Reading Book by Monday.

Agenda/Homework 8/21

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Welcome Back!


  1. Seating Chart and Take Roll
  2. Watch Student Video
  3. Quick discussion of syllabus “cheat sheet” handout I will be giving you in class. We will be going over a more detailed syllabus tomorrow.
  4. “Name Game” Activity
  5. Fill out Ms. Gonzalez Questionnaire. Handout given in class. Click here for the Questionnaire: MS. G Questionnaire



Ms. Gonzalez Questionnaire due tomorrow (if you did not finish in class).

Bring supplies (the list is on the syllabus handout) and Independent Reading Book by Monday.